Thursday 24 January 2013

Kakkoii Review: Btooom! (series)

Hunger Games Btooom!

If you are an avid online gamer like myself (otaku and an avid game, really need to get my life together), you would probably ever though about (even just once) what it feels like to actually live in the world of that particular game you're playing. Ryota Sakamoto unfortunately had this opportunity. He was one of the top players in an online game sensation called Btoooooom! (don't know how many 'o's there are) and, he was later kidnapped, to be put in an island where he must try to collect 7 (I think..) crystals by killing random strangers, using a device eerily similar of that found in the game Btoom!- in an effort to escape.
HAHAHAHA out of context! Yah I am immature :p
On top of what seems to be a very intriguing and suspenseful anime, Btooom! dwells further and surpass itself from just being "that typical action anime". Each individual character really had been well-developed and was given enough screen time in order for the viewers to really get to know each individual character's dark background/ past events which lead them to the Btooom! island. To a certain extend, the main protagonist of the series wasn't the really main focus of the story, as we are constantly getting absorbed by the side characters' story, and their own individual perception of the island they are in. A classic example of this is Himiko, where it seems that we learnt more about her past life than the main character's and, how it affects her actions as the series progresses.
LOL! getting sent to Btooom! island like a baws~
Ryoka Sakamoto is a NEET; and there are times in the series where his athletic capabilities and intellectual capacity seems to be very... IMBA. He was able to figure out ways in order to escape tight situations and, most of it are logical scenarios, but to have the actual physical ability to pull it off is very questionable; even if he was an elite 4 stars player. This is why we are more drawn towards the side characters' fight of survival, as we see them as more 'human-like' and show much more weakness than Ryoka.
SURELY, there must be an image of Himiko; is what you guys probably asking
All in all, I believe that this series is a very strong series. The anime almost FORCES you to keep on clicking on to the next episode and, you find yourself cannot stop watching it. People that I know classify this anime as just an above-average anime, but I beg to differ. It definitely was a good series and, the ending of the series really gave me a sense of closure and it's definitely open for the second season.


  • Characters : 8/10
  • Animation: 8.5/10
  • Genre Value: 8.5/10
  • Story: 7.5/10
  • Overall: 8/10

   Kakkoii Character Award: 

Ryoka Sakamoto
No it doesn't have to be a woman. And have you seen how reliable he is... except in this scene
Chiwassu, Janni ~


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