Thursday 17 January 2013

Forewords !? ._.

OMG, I'm starting my own blog~

Basically, was really bored during the summer holidays (yes, summer in Dec for people in Syd!!!) and thought might as well do a little bit of personal blogging on the sides. Biggest passion definitely anime, Jap culture and most recently travelling. Going to throw my two cents on some anime I have watched in this blog, as well as throwing in some life experience/moments that might interest you guys :) While I'm at it, I might as well give some recommendation of any good songs/videos I stumbled upon which might interest you :) (into slow RnB)~ Hopefully this can be a long-term thing- though I'm pretty sure the cruelty of thesis (which I'm starting soon) will hinder me from being active. This spot's going to be my little diary, where me and you guys can have a little laugh/cry out off.

Anywho-sies, that's all I have to say for now and keep you eyes open for this spot, more stuff will be coming through :)
Chiwassu, Janni ~


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