Saturday 19 January 2013

Hindrance of the Japan trip

Trip to Japan; A sudden twist~

As you guys might not know, I am going to Japan (finally!) this coming Feb (after years of delays). Basically me and my friend booked our flight early because; 

1) We don't want the price to go up 
2) I kinda think we were over excited with the prospect of going and just did an impulse purchase without really thinking it though (but then again who thinks twice about going to the best country on the planet earth universe)

So basically I've put a lot of preparation for this up coming trip- bought brand new winter clothing, book all hotels and resorts, made a detailed day-to-day plan and so forth. When we were doing the planning we realised that 12-days was in-fact no enough to visit TokyoSapporo  Osaka and Kyoto. We were tying to extend the trip but it would cost us $100, so we were like "f-it" ._.; I mean 100 dollars is 10000 yen and I can buy God knows what with that much money.

If you can't read it; Im leaving on the 15th at 0:55 am Zzzz... GO budget!

So here's the twist; as you might already not know as well, I am currently doing a summer course. I've booked my flight on the 13th of Feb and, the thing is I didn't really know when my final exam was going to be but, it was between the 8-13th of Feb- which when the examination period is. So I calculated the probability of even one of my exam would land there and, it was around ~35% or so (presumably save risk to take...)

To my horror (or perhaps not cus' if you know me in real life, I have a TERRIBLE luck) one of my exam fell on the 13th of Feb. When I saw my examination date my heart skipped a beat because I have to delay my flight and, on top on paying $100, I might mess up all my planning. But luckily the exam ends at 11 a.m. and my flight would be leaving to Singapore (and then to Japan) at 2 p.m. So my plan now is; I should bring my luggage to the examination room right? Or should I just leave it at home and grab it? :/  I really want to avoid the embarrassment of actually taking my luggage to the examination room and making everyone think "what the hell is this stupid tourist doing" LOL. I calculated it would take me a grand total of 30 mins to get home from the examination room, as I live very close. So I'm still kinda undecided on the issue but would probably choose to look like a foolish tourist instead of possibly being late.

Such a pro troll my uni ._.

Anyhow, I'm kinda glad I have 2-hrs-ish to get from my exam room to the airport. I will definitely updated on what happened and will definitely share my trip adventure with you guys :)

Chiwassu, Janni ~


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