Thursday 24 January 2013

Kakkoii Review: Btooom! (series)

Hunger Games Btooom!

If you are an avid online gamer like myself (otaku and an avid game, really need to get my life together), you would probably ever though about (even just once) what it feels like to actually live in the world of that particular game you're playing. Ryota Sakamoto unfortunately had this opportunity. He was one of the top players in an online game sensation called Btoooooom! (don't know how many 'o's there are) and, he was later kidnapped, to be put in an island where he must try to collect 7 (I think..) crystals by killing random strangers, using a device eerily similar of that found in the game Btoom!- in an effort to escape.
HAHAHAHA out of context! Yah I am immature :p
On top of what seems to be a very intriguing and suspenseful anime, Btooom! dwells further and surpass itself from just being "that typical action anime". Each individual character really had been well-developed and was given enough screen time in order for the viewers to really get to know each individual character's dark background/ past events which lead them to the Btooom! island. To a certain extend, the main protagonist of the series wasn't the really main focus of the story, as we are constantly getting absorbed by the side characters' story, and their own individual perception of the island they are in. A classic example of this is Himiko, where it seems that we learnt more about her past life than the main character's and, how it affects her actions as the series progresses.
LOL! getting sent to Btooom! island like a baws~
Ryoka Sakamoto is a NEET; and there are times in the series where his athletic capabilities and intellectual capacity seems to be very... IMBA. He was able to figure out ways in order to escape tight situations and, most of it are logical scenarios, but to have the actual physical ability to pull it off is very questionable; even if he was an elite 4 stars player. This is why we are more drawn towards the side characters' fight of survival, as we see them as more 'human-like' and show much more weakness than Ryoka.
SURELY, there must be an image of Himiko; is what you guys probably asking
All in all, I believe that this series is a very strong series. The anime almost FORCES you to keep on clicking on to the next episode and, you find yourself cannot stop watching it. People that I know classify this anime as just an above-average anime, but I beg to differ. It definitely was a good series and, the ending of the series really gave me a sense of closure and it's definitely open for the second season.


  • Characters : 8/10
  • Animation: 8.5/10
  • Genre Value: 8.5/10
  • Story: 7.5/10
  • Overall: 8/10

   Kakkoii Character Award: 

Ryoka Sakamoto
No it doesn't have to be a woman. And have you seen how reliable he is... except in this scene
Chiwassu, Janni ~


Saturday 19 January 2013

Hindrance of the Japan trip

Trip to Japan; A sudden twist~

As you guys might not know, I am going to Japan (finally!) this coming Feb (after years of delays). Basically me and my friend booked our flight early because; 

1) We don't want the price to go up 
2) I kinda think we were over excited with the prospect of going and just did an impulse purchase without really thinking it though (but then again who thinks twice about going to the best country on the planet earth universe)

So basically I've put a lot of preparation for this up coming trip- bought brand new winter clothing, book all hotels and resorts, made a detailed day-to-day plan and so forth. When we were doing the planning we realised that 12-days was in-fact no enough to visit TokyoSapporo  Osaka and Kyoto. We were tying to extend the trip but it would cost us $100, so we were like "f-it" ._.; I mean 100 dollars is 10000 yen and I can buy God knows what with that much money.

If you can't read it; Im leaving on the 15th at 0:55 am Zzzz... GO budget!

So here's the twist; as you might already not know as well, I am currently doing a summer course. I've booked my flight on the 13th of Feb and, the thing is I didn't really know when my final exam was going to be but, it was between the 8-13th of Feb- which when the examination period is. So I calculated the probability of even one of my exam would land there and, it was around ~35% or so (presumably save risk to take...)

To my horror (or perhaps not cus' if you know me in real life, I have a TERRIBLE luck) one of my exam fell on the 13th of Feb. When I saw my examination date my heart skipped a beat because I have to delay my flight and, on top on paying $100, I might mess up all my planning. But luckily the exam ends at 11 a.m. and my flight would be leaving to Singapore (and then to Japan) at 2 p.m. So my plan now is; I should bring my luggage to the examination room right? Or should I just leave it at home and grab it? :/  I really want to avoid the embarrassment of actually taking my luggage to the examination room and making everyone think "what the hell is this stupid tourist doing" LOL. I calculated it would take me a grand total of 30 mins to get home from the examination room, as I live very close. So I'm still kinda undecided on the issue but would probably choose to look like a foolish tourist instead of possibly being late.

Such a pro troll my uni ._.

Anyhow, I'm kinda glad I have 2-hrs-ish to get from my exam room to the airport. I will definitely updated on what happened and will definitely share my trip adventure with you guys :)

Chiwassu, Janni ~


Thursday 17 January 2013

Kakkoii Review: Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga (series)

Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga

Have you ever imagined yourself as a wizard from Harry Potter, or see yourself as an action superhero anime character? If you said yes then, basically you have a case of Chuunibyou; a mental diseases (don't know why they call it a diseases...) where a person are led to believe that they are a non-fictional character from a book or anime or eroge.

Chuunibyou is absolutely EMBARRASSING, trust me! So now living the life of a past Chuunibyou, Yuuta Togashi tries to transists back into his normal life. Unfortunately (or fortunately), he encountered upon  Riika Takanashi, who has a super kawaii onee-san and a case of Chuunibyou . This anime is about the struggle Togashi faces in trying to lead a normal with Riika's distraction around the corner and, how (Spoiler) he finds a happy medium of his "adult" and childish Chuunibyou side. (End of Spoiler)
I laughed so hard, I thought I was giving birth~
First of all I wanna say; one, this anime is my hero. Two, this anime is my hero and, three, this anime is my hero! Out of all the 12-episodes anime that came out this fall, I would say by quite a clear margin Chuunibyou is the best release. The author certainly did put a lot of effort into this anime; trying to divert it from a generic harem-like situation, and really develop the story and portray the underlying message across. I thought the use of humor was also very clever; in a sense they are not cliche, and made me GENUINELY laughed.
Every Otaku's nightmare!?
Another positives I can draw form this anime is the obvious flawless animation and picture quality. You can tell from some of the images I have posted, the producer of Chuunibyou has certainly put a lot of effort into the art-work of this anime. Further to that, the characters in the series are so likable and kawaii; to the point that you could probably die from excessive-cuteness. Though, with all that being said, I kinda wished the ending left a stronger impression on me; not the actual ending story line, but the actual ending outcome left more to be desired.


  • Characters : 9/10
  • Animation: 9/10
  • Genre Value: 9/10
  • Story: 8.5/10
  • Overall: 9/10

   Kakkoii Character Award: 

Takanashi Touka
 ... Wait you disagree?  

Chiwassu, Janni ~


P.S. I am planning to mostly do reviews per episode basis and do a final overall series review afterwards, but since I already finish the whole thing I though might as well do the series as a whole.

Forewords !? ._.

OMG, I'm starting my own blog~

Basically, was really bored during the summer holidays (yes, summer in Dec for people in Syd!!!) and thought might as well do a little bit of personal blogging on the sides. Biggest passion definitely anime, Jap culture and most recently travelling. Going to throw my two cents on some anime I have watched in this blog, as well as throwing in some life experience/moments that might interest you guys :) While I'm at it, I might as well give some recommendation of any good songs/videos I stumbled upon which might interest you :) (into slow RnB)~ Hopefully this can be a long-term thing- though I'm pretty sure the cruelty of thesis (which I'm starting soon) will hinder me from being active. This spot's going to be my little diary, where me and you guys can have a little laugh/cry out off.

Anywho-sies, that's all I have to say for now and keep you eyes open for this spot, more stuff will be coming through :)
Chiwassu, Janni ~
