Wednesday 6 March 2013

Let's go to Japan- Day 2

Trip to Japan; Day 2

Alright so, same format as the first trip, but now it's the second day!!! I would say one of the most exciting day !

Sites Visited

Site: Akibahara

Comment: And this is why I said day 2 is one of the most exciting day! I had a really high expectation when I was about to visit this so called "Otaku Heaven" and, boy didn't live up to that expectation. If you are an otaku like myself, you will find yourself like a little child wondering around the toy section isle in a supermarket! There are so many things to see, to experience and to buy! Even if you are not an avid anime/ manga/ game fan, you will still find yourself blown away; it's literally like another planet. so, if you are not into animation and what not, you will still definitely need to visit this site at least once, but if you're an otaku; DON'T EXPECT to only visit this once! Me and my friends (mostly otakus) was only planning to visit Aki once, but we went back 3 times- even on the day of our flight, we went there at around 7:00 p.m., do our shopping and then go to the airport after. If you are an avid anime figure collector, you should definitely visit Mandarake, softmap and yellow submarine (a multi-store building; yellow submarine being of the store (specialized in bootleg and PVC figure)) whilst  if you want to buy anime related items, visit Gamers and also the multi-store building thing (you won't miss it)!
If you aren't an avid collector or anime fan (which is very weird ._.), you can come pay a visit to the electric town! They sell many cheap electronics and offers DUTY FREE SHOPPING!!! So do bring your passport if you are going to do a "big purchase". The electric stores also offer some cheap sales items, such as headphones, adapters, cameras and what not. Should definitely visit. 
A game in the SEGA toilet at Aki... all you have to do is aim for the mark and pee on it to fill up the meter...
The first thing I saw when I "landed" on Aki
Mandarake- (apparently) the biggest anime/manga store in the world
Street view of Akibahara from the multi-store building
Some of the stuff (2/3?) I purchased!!! Look a Nendo :)
Rate: 9.5/10 (A tad biased cus' I'm an otaku, but I know many people who aren't still finds it amazing!!!)

Site: Ueno Park (Ueno)

Comment: The thing about Ueno is that, during spring the place will be lit up by Sakura (cherry blossom) trees! In winter, it's a dead wasteland (well maybe an exaggeration). There was nothing really exciting about Ueno PARK (not the zoo; we spent too long in Aki and by the time we arrived the zoo has closed) ; I mean it was beautiful and had lots of potential, but it didn't wow me like some other sites do. I heard from my friends that Ueno is famous for it's zoo and how there is a very famous/ iconic panda inside the zoo, but I cannot base my judgement on the story my friend told me- it has to be based on what I experienced. Ueno definetly was missing that "oomph" about it that really makes it memorable; maybe if it was in spring or, maybe if I entered the zoo it would've been a different story but this time, Ueno Park was just avarage for me. 
Ueno city itself was definitely interesting. There were many clothing stores which are affordable and, the food there was quite unique and affordable. It's also home to the national museum and art museum, which we didn't visit as it wasn't our cup of tea. It's definitely a must visit city if you have the time. 

At the entrance to the Zoo
I have better pics, but I'm in it ._. so...
The view of the National Museum and the fountain

GOSH, so romantic
Street-view (not a very good one) of Ueno

Rate: 6.5/10

Sorry guys for the long wait. I really am busy in real-life :(. I will upload more as soon as possible

Chiwassu, Janni ~


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